She Starts Churches
We help you start thriving, growing, multiplying churches for the next generation
Because we want every child to have a church.
We know many women have the skills and leadership abilities that church plant teams need.
So what’s the problem? Church planting is not on their radar.
Either the church they’re in hasn’t introduced them to church planting or they simply haven’t been given the opportunities for teaching & leadership that many men in churches have had exposure to.
But We Need Your Help…
We need more people to get involved in church planting — specifically women.
We want to…
• Connect with & equip this valuable part of the church.
• Surround women with the encouragement, resources, and support they need to get going!
• Encourage women to help start churches.
To do this, we need three things:
1) Church leaders—both men and women—to get involved.
Serve as mentors and coaches, lead cohorts, host residencies, give women speaking opportunities, engage them in strategic meetings. Help us prepare more women for church planting!
2) Women to explore church planting.
We need women to take the first steps in discovering how God might be inviting them to start a church or join a church plant team.
3) Funding.
Women in church planting are significantly under-resourced. They need additional training and resources, so we’re raising $100,000 to get this initiative off the ground.
She Changes the World
We celebrate all women who lead in the church
We honor the women who lead up front, the ones who lead backstage, the ones who teach us and teach the next generation. We embrace the girls and young women who will become tomorrow’s leaders. We acknowledge the many ways God uses women, each with their unique story to tell and journey to walk.

Connect with Janie
Janie Mehaffey | VP of Engagement
Whether you’re a church leader who wants to champion women in church planting, or a woman looking to start a church, we’re here to support you!
Attend a Vision Trip!
Learn how Stadia serves church planting leaders! Experience U.S. Church Planting with Stadia and provide your team with the space and time to learn, reflect, and cast vision for your own church multiplication strategies.
Listen to The Plant Strong Podcast
The Plant Strong Podcast features the stories of both men and women who lead and serve in diverse ministry contexts. Lisa Bennett hosts special guests ranging from longtime-leaders to authors, thinkers, and ministry minds with fresh perspectives.

Listen to The Plant Strong Podcast
The Plant Strong Podcast features the stories of both men and women who lead and serve in diverse ministry contexts. Lisa Bennett hosts special guests ranging from longtime-leaders to authors, thinkers, and ministry minds with fresh perspectives.

Attend a Vision Trip
Learn how Stadia serves church planting leaders! Experience U.S. Church Planting with Stadia and provide your team with the space and time to learn, reflect, and cast vision for your own church multiplication strategies.