A Message from Our President
This past year has been a time of growth, but also refinement for Stadia. As we look back, we see God’s hand guiding us through both inspiring successes and some necessary adjustments. We remain firmly rooted in our mission—to help you start thriving, growing, multiplying churches for the next generation. While 2024 has presented both opportunities and challenges, I am grateful for a team and community of partners like you who have risen to embrace them.
This year, we’ve doubled down on our commitment to provide the world-class services that have made Stadia a trusted partner in church planting since 2003. In fact, 2024 marked our largest and most diverse Discovery events in Stadia’s 21-year history, where church leaders from all backgrounds gathered to explore, discern, and discover their readiness and next steps for church planting. Discovery, along with our other core services, Startup Coaching and Post-Launch, ensure that every church planter we work with receives the guidance and resources they need to thrive—not only at the start of their church planting journey—but every step of the way.
We invite you to take a few moments to read through this year’s annual report. As you do, you’ll see the numbers and pictures that represent far more than statistics—they tell stories of lives changed, families restored, and communities transformed by the presence of a new local church. These new churches are places of hope and belonging, where people can encounter Jesus, find support and life-changing relationships, and become equipped to make a difference in their own neighborhoods and communities. We want these stats and stories to serve as a reminder of the impact you’re having, and what God continues to do through your partnership.
Thank you for helping to build a world where the next generation has access to thriving new churches.
Until Every Child Has a Church,

President of Stadia
Our Services
We focus on helping start new churches that THRIVE, GROW, and MULTIPLY for the next generation. Through our services, planters are supported on every step of the journey, no matter what model of church they are called to start.
Our DISCOVERY CENTER, STARTUP COACHING & SERVICES, and POST-LAUNCH SERVICES equip church planters with the guidance and tools they need to launch and lead churches with healthy foundations and futures.
SERVICES PROVIDED IN 2024: We were honored to serve and work with 179 church planters in 2024 through our Discovery Center, Startup Services, and Post-Launch Services. Each service uniquely met church planters on their journey and provided tools, resources, and guidance so that they could take their next steps with confidence.

Potential church planters explore, discern, and discover their calling, competencies, and readiness to start a church. They find out how God is using their story and experience our three-phase process that supports a variety of church planting models.
Stadia’s Discovery Center is uniquely designed for men and women who are ready to dive into the possibility and plans of launching & leading a church.
Stadia’s Startup Team provides comprehensive services for church planters in the startup phase, including direct, hands-on support, and access to
Stadia’s proven startup process. We equip church planters with personalized coaching and the essential tools and training needed for success.
We’re here for every step of your church planting journey, even once you’ve launched. Our services include personalized coaching, strategic orientation sessions, practical implementation programs, and essential consulting designed to foster growth and impact. Our tailored solutions can address your church’s unique needs and catalyze your mission.

In 2024, 85% of Stadia’s expenses went directly to church planting. In addition to these funds, we helped facilitate an additional $6M for a total of $11M mobilized for church planting.
We’re so grateful to partner with generous investors and churches like you to start new thriving, growing, multiplying churches that reach the next generation, until every child has a church!