Why Stadia?

We want more people to know Jesus. We’ll help you start a thriving church, no matter where you’re at in the journey.


Your faithful generosity helps start thriving churches—thank you!

2024 began with the reassurance that Stadia is right where we need to be, serving new leaders and churches so they can thrive, grow, and multiply for the next generation. We’re celebrating the conclusion of a fruitful first quarter. 

So far this year, your generosity has helped start 30 new churches. That breaks down to 7 domestic churches here in the US, and 23 international churches. You’ve also helped Stadia host a Discovery event, serving 19 new leaders—including 8 Australians! Our Discovery Center is highly sought-after, we’ve already received 131 inquiries from potential candidates. We are honored to be a trusted guide and coach for so many who are on the journey to start thriving churches for the next generation. 

In April, we had the pleasure of hosting a webinar with Generation Distinct, a program that helps young leaders discover their purpose. We also joined our partners, Intentional Churches in Orlando, Florida for their annual conference. We’re busy around here, but it feels right and we’re continually grateful to God for His hand in it all. 

Together, we’re helping build a world where every child has a thriving, growing, multiplying church. Thank you for joining us on this mission! 

As always, we won’t stop until every child has a church, 

Greg Nettle
President of Stadia



Become a Prayer Partner

Prayer is always our first step in starting new churches. Join our faithful team of volunteer Prayer Partners and receive monthly prayer requests from Stadia and the churches we serve straight to your inbox from our President, Greg Nettle.

Become a Prayer Partner

Prayer is always our first step in starting new churches. Join our faithful team of volunteer Prayer Partners and receive monthly prayer requests from Stadia and the churches we serve straight to your inbox from our President, Greg Nettle.